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Other than those who are profiting from it, you’d be hard pressed to find a patient or provider who believes our healthcare system in America is great. With union members staring at increased medical costs, crammed appointment times, and a lack of preventative care, the NECA/IBEW Powering America Team in and around Chicago took it upon themselves to find a solution to these growing problems.

NECA and IBEW teamed up to create a network of Workforce Wellness Centers that provide a variety of care options for union members. The ultimate goal was to be different and provide healthcare that keeps employees happy, families healthy, and workers equipped to be on the job. By implementing longer-than-typical appointments with the doctor, patients at Workforce Wellness Centers get to truly know their care provider, and doctors are given enough time to do full, thorough exams. The centers also provide specialty care, like an eye care center equipped with a vision laboratory, and physical therapists on staff to assist with muscular and skeletal problems in a motion therapy room.

These upgrades to the healthcare system for union members are especially important because of the physically demanding work they must do day in and day out. With readily available care at reasonable costs, union members can confidently have their ailments or injuries evaluated before an issue grows and causes loss of work time. The NECA/IBEW Powering America Team feels strongly about providing quality care for their workers, and their families. 

With an updated, open and airy design, no copays, no deductibles, a full-spectrum healthcare staff, and business goals tailored to the members, the seven Workforce Wellness Centers are just the beginning of what we hope will be a revolution in healthcare for union workers. With a new approach that is both effective for worker’s health AND their wallet, the NECA/IBEW team is now the healthiest labor partnership in America.